Investment Advisor

Investment Advisors

If you are planning on achieving your financial goals through intelligent and proactive investments, you will need the services of an investment advisor. He will not just advice you on how to benefit from the various plans, but also suggest the ideal plans to achieve your financial goals.

Investment Advisor vs Financial Planner
An investment advisor is not the same as a financial planner. Both play different yet vital roles in helping you achieve your financial goals.

  • Investment advisors don’t plan your finances; they only advice you on how you can invest and the possible options available. They are not going to plan the finances, and tell you where and how to invest
  • Planners are certified to analyse your financial statements, understand the present state of your finances, offer you risk management services and help you with overall financial planning. On the other hand, advisors will only advice. That’s just 20% of the whole job of a planner
  • Advisors don’t really create a situation meant especially for you. The solutions or advices offered to you are something that suits everyone

Why Financial Advisors are Important?

An advisor can help you understand your own finances, and tell you how exactly you can benefit from investments. An advisor will give you different situations and different investment advices that can benefit you. Of course you will need a planner to manage your portfolio, and also plan your finances, in case you are bad with finances. But, if you are really good with finances of your own, and need advice, investment advisors are the cheapest option.

Smart investor forum has top notch investment advisors who will help you with understanding the present state of your finances, and bail you out of tough financial situations with the right advice. Key investments happen with the advice of a financial advisor.

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